Men's Suit's design

The suit is  a traditional form of men's formal clothes in the western world. for some for hundred years, suits of matching coats trousers and waistcoat have been in out of fashion. the modern lounge  suit's derivation is visible in the out line of the brightly colored , elaborately  crafted royal court dress of the 17th century.the rise and fall in popularity of the necktie and the gradual disuse of waistcoat and hats in the last fifty  years.

The modern lounge suit appeared in the late 19th century , but trades it origins to the simplified , sartorial standard of the established by the English king Charles  in the 17th century . in the early 19th century , British dandy beau Brummel redefined and adapted this style , then popularized it , leading European men to wearing well cute tailored clothes , adorned with carefully knotted neckties . the simply city of the new clothes contracted strongly with  the extravagance foppish styles just before .Moreover , he introduced a hole new
era of grooming and style including regular bating as part  of a men's
