Men fashion Public relation's and social media

Fashion public relation  involves being in touch with a company’s audiences and creating strong relationships with them, reaching out to media and initiating messages that project positive images of the company. social media plays an important role in modern day senabling practitioners to reach a wide range of consumers through various platforms. Building brand awareness and credibility is a key implication of good public relations. In some cases, great hype is built about new designers' collections before they are released into the market, due to the immense exposure generated by practitioners.
social media such as belog,  micro belog, podcasts photo and vedio shairing sites have all become inreasingly important to fashion public relation .the interactive nature of these platfoam allow practitioners ton engage and communications with public and real time , and tailor there client's brand or campaign messages to the targets audience . social media is changing the way practitioners deliver messages as they are concerned with the media and also customers relation's building's.
