Men new Kurta Fashion

 The straight cut kurta is a loose shirt falling either just above or somewhere below the knees of the wearer, and is traditionally worn by men. However, women do also wear the straight cut kurta or its shorter version, the kurta . They were traditionally worn with loose-fitting paijama , loose-fitting shalwars, semi-tight (loose from the waist to the knees, and tight from the calves to the ankles) chauridars or wrapped-around dhotis. but are now also worn with jeans. 
Kurta are worn both as casual everyday wear and as formal dress.
Imported straight cut kurta were fashionable in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s, as an element of hippie fashion, fell from favor briefly, and are now again fashionable. south Asian women may also wear this Western adaptation of South Asian fashion.
Some styles, button or are tied at the shoulder seam and have plackets rather than slits. The opening may be centered on the chest, or positioned off center.
Traditional forms of kurta do not have collar. Modern variants may feature stand-up collars of the type known to tailors and seamstresses as "mandarin" collars. These are the same sort of collars seen on achkans sherwanis and nehru jackets
A kalidar kurta is similar to a frock and has many panels. The kalidar kurta is made up of several geometrical pieces. It has two rectangular central panels in the back and the front. The kurta is worn by men and women.

 Early western travelers to Persia , turkeyIndia , china , would frequently remark on the absence of change in fashion there . the Japanese shogun sectary bragged to a Spanish visitor I 1609 that   Japanese clothing had not changed in over a thousand here . however there is considerable evidence in Ming china of rapidly changing fashion in Chinese clothing . changes in costume often rook places at time of economic  or social change , as occurred in ancient room and the medieval caliphate followed by a long period with out major changes . in 8th century Moorish Spain the musician Ziryab introduced to Cordoba sophisticated clothing styles based on  seasonal and daily fashion from his native Baghdad , modified by is own inspiration . similar changes in fashion occurred in the 11th century in the middle east following the arrival of the Turks , who introduced  clothing styles from the central Asia and the far East.

Men fashion Public relation's and social media

Fashion public relation  involves being in touch with a company’s audiences and creating strong relationships with them, reaching out to media and initiating messages that project positive images of the company. social media plays an important role in modern day senabling practitioners to reach a wide range of consumers through various platforms. Building brand awareness and credibility is a key implication of good public relations. In some cases, great hype is built about new designers' collections before they are released into the market, due to the immense exposure generated by practitioners.
social media such as belog,  micro belog, podcasts photo and vedio shairing sites have all become inreasingly important to fashion public relation .the interactive nature of these platfoam allow practitioners ton engage and communications with public and real time , and tailor there client's brand or campaign messages to the targets audience . social media is changing the way practitioners deliver messages as they are concerned with the media and also customers relation's building's.

Men's Suit's design

The suit is  a traditional form of men's formal clothes in the western world. for some for hundred years, suits of matching coats trousers and waistcoat have been in out of fashion. the modern lounge  suit's derivation is visible in the out line of the brightly colored , elaborately  crafted royal court dress of the 17th century.the rise and fall in popularity of the necktie and the gradual disuse of waistcoat and hats in the last fifty  years.

The modern lounge suit appeared in the late 19th century , but trades it origins to the simplified , sartorial standard of the established by the English king Charles  in the 17th century . in the early 19th century , British dandy beau Brummel redefined and adapted this style , then popularized it , leading European men to wearing well cute tailored clothes , adorned with carefully knotted neckties . the simply city of the new clothes contracted strongly with  the extravagance foppish styles just before .Moreover , he introduced a hole new
era of grooming and style including regular bating as part  of a men's

Men kurta Fashion 2016

In the fashion industry intellectual property is not enforced as it is with in the film industry and music industry. Robert Gladstone  an intellectual property expert mentioned  in a fashion seminar held in law .We often to draw the line between designers being inspired by a design and those other out right stealing in it different places. to take inspiration from others' designs contributes too the fashion industry ability to establish clothing trends. Enticing consumer to buy clothing by establishing new trends is some have argued a key component of the industry's success. intellectual property rules that interfere with this process  of trend making would in this view , be counter productive. on the other hand , it is often argued that the blatant theft of new ideas, unique designs, and design detail by larger companies is what often contributes to the failure of many smaller or independe
nt design companies.

