Men fashion public relations and social media

Fashion public relation involves being in touch with a company audience's and creating strong relationship with them , reaching out to media and intiating messages  that project positive images of the company. social media plays an  important role in modern day fashion public relations  enabling practitioners to reach a wide range of consumers through Building brand awareness and credibility is a key implication of good public relations. In some cases, great hype is built about new designers' collections before they are released into the market, due to the immense exposure generated by practitioners various platforms.Social media, such as blogs, micro blogs, podcasts, photo and video sharing sites have all become increasingly important to fashion public relations.

Building brand awareness and credibility is a key implication of good public relation. . In some cases, great hype is built about new designers' collections before they are released into the market, due to the immense exposure generated by practitioners.Social media, such as blogs, micro blogs, podcasts, photo and video sharing sites have all become increasingly important to fashion public relations.The interactive nature of these platforms allows practitioners to engage and communicate with public in real time, and tailor their clients’ brand or campaign messages to the target audience. With blogging platforms such as Instagram, TumbleWord press, and other sharing sites, bloggers have emerged as expert fashion commentators, shaping brands and having a great impact on what is ‘on trend’women is fashion public relation industry such as sweaty Betty founder and Oscar parental girl Erika barmen , have acquired copious amounts of followers on their social media sites, by providing a brand identity and a behind the scenes look into the companies they work for.

Social media is changing the way practitioners deliver messages, as they are concerned with the media, and also customer relationship building.PR practitioners must provide effective communication among all platforms, in order to engage fashion public in an industry socially connected via online shopping.Consumers have the ability to share their purchases on their personal social media pages and if practitioners deliver the brand message effectively and meet the needs of its public's, word-of-mouth publicity will be generated and potentially provide a wide reach for the designer and their products.
